Kalaimagal Vidhya Mandir CBSE School
Kalaimagal Vidhya Mandir CBSE School
The school admits both Boys and Girls (subject to the availability of seats irrespective of any distinction of caste, creed, colour or social status and strictly in accordance with the norms of the CBSE and Governments.
Admissions for Pre.K.G to VIII classes can be done by both online and offline. Please visit our school website for admission.
For admission into LKG, UKG and I the age will be calculated as of 31st March of the admission year as stipulated by the CBSE
On receipt of the invitation from the School Office, both the Parents viz. the Father and the Mother should come with the Child. Both Guardians viz. the Husband and Wife should come with the Child if the Child is living with them.
They should come with the Originals and the Xerox copies of available certificates / documents. After verification by the School Office and attestation by the Principal the Originals will be returned to the Parents / Guardians. There will be NO interview and this is only an occasion to know each other.
The Parents / Guardians will be invited if everything is found to be in order and the Provisional Admission will be granted to the Child. Once the prescribed fees are paid and the originals are handed over in the School Office the admission will be confirmed.
During the time of submission of filled in application and for a personal meeting with the Principal at the time of admission both Parents and Guardians should come with the Child. Others in the family circle or friend’s circle also can accompany the Parents / Guardians and the Child.
Photocopies / Xerox copies of documents to be attached to the filled in downloaded Online Application Form.
For admission into other classes viz. from Standard / Grade II upwards the Transfer Certificate issued by the previous School will be taken into consideration. But it is mandatory that the School where the Child last studied should have been formally recognized by any Government or affiliated to any Board like CBSE, ICSE etc.
Generally the following certificates / documents will be required to be produced (both the Original and the Xerox copies) at the time of admission:
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